
Every year the APDC hosts Port Industry Day with over 200 people attending from the local, state and federal community. The day gives people a chance to learn about most recent highlights and investments at the Port as well as get a close up look at the infrastructure and business and facilities at the Port of Albany.

As an annual partner, the Port of Albany proudly provides sponsorship to the annual Tugboat Roundup held on the Hudson River in Waterford, NY featuring activities and exhibits related to the maritime industry.

The Port of Albany is proud to sponsor the Hudson River Trading Game & Navigating the Seas school program through Historic Cherry Hill. This allows all fifth graders in the Albany City School District to participate and get a look at maritime studies in early childhood education.

The APDC sponsored A Village, Inc. 2018 Celebration of Progress community dinner. The Port seeks to be a partner and good neighbor especially to the local and adjacent communities.

The Port of Albany is committed to its role in cultivating community collaborations. As such, annually the Port of Albany helps with the care and preparation of Jennings Landing as well and placement and removal of docks in the Hudson River at the Corning Preserve for recreational and community use.

Albany Maritime Ministry

Albany Maritime Ministry is an all-volunteer, ecumneical group meeting the spiritual, personal and practical needs of mariners arriving in and around the Port of Albany. It is a ministry of hospitality and welcome! Founded in 1995 by a committed group of volunteers, it provides a vital link to these essential services for visiting seafarers. Albany Maritime Ministry is incorporated under the laws of NYS, and is a Federal 501c3 organization working closely with a variety of churches in the Capitol district, members of the business community and city, state and federal agencies. Rev. Dr. William Hempel serves as chaplain and director of the ministry. Offices are located in the Port Security Operations Center.

Ship Visitation and Port Presence

The Albany Maritime Ministry welcomes and orients all seafarers on visiting ships that arrive in and around the Port of Albany. When possible, the Ministry prefers to meet and work with seafarers aboard ship, as that is their world. There, religious services happen. The Albany Maritime Ministry seeks to be a responsible, contributing ecumenical partner in the Port community. Board members invest time in important port communities and develop relationships with port officials.

Communication: Phones, Phone Cards, Internet & Mail

Seafarers are separated from loved ones and friends for several long months. The Albany Maritime Ministry provides access to essential means for seafarers to be in communication with loved ones and family around the globe. Free access to telephones, phone cards, Internet availability and mail are greatly sought after. Mobile phones and wireless laptop computers are placed aboard ship for those denied shore access.


Seafarer’s Center

The most important thing the Seafarer’s Center offers is a genuine welcome to strangers. Located in the Port of Albany, it is open whenever a vessel is in Port. It provides a safe haven for seafarers to make phone calls home and to access the Internet. Standing in a 200 year-old tradition of Ministry that is presently active in 800 ports worldwide, it welcomes strangers building connections to Albany through Port Facilities.

Transportation and Van Service

A 15-passenger van provides transport to the Seafarer’s Center for shopping worshiping and visitor attractions. The van is a happy place and a doorway to different surroundings, new faces and otherwise scarce entertainment. In hard reality, it simply transports seafarers to shopping centers, the mission and local attractions. But in truth, it transports them to a more transcendent, needed place consisting of moments of normality.


Pastoral Counseling & Crisis Intervention

Besides responding to a crisis aboard ship, Albany Maritime Ministry also responds to crises the Port never hears about – personal crises among crews and families. It seeks to be an open, confidential, supportive and proactive confidant to people of every nationality and religious conviction. As members within a network of worldwide chaplains, Albany’s Ministry shares in making and receiving referrals within an international web.

Blessing of Rensselaer Wharf

Gracious God, you have blessed us and brought us to this time and place. You stir our hearts and made us glad. Lord, you have shown us your grace in this place.

We are thankful for your Spirit’s indwelling.

Let the Light of Your Love shine upon this wharf and fill every corner and beam and piling so that no darkness may abide here.

Great are the wonders of your Creation. You have blessed us with this river; linking us to inland seas and to the great oceans and the nations you have made;  bringing world and its commerce to us.

By your spirit, you have given us men and women of vision who have seen beyond all that simply is and leading them to dream dreams and calling us to build that which is yet to come.

We thank you for the creative wisdom and skill that enlivens the work of architects, planners and builders, welders, masons and all who have worked to bring this wharf to completion.

In the richness of your goodness and mercy, you have blessed us with the completion of this wharf. As we receive it from your gracious hand in blessing, so may we be ever mindful that we use it in blessing to others.

Look with favor on this gathering and on all of our prayers and petitions; humbly yet confidently praying that your will be done in this as in all things.


Rev. William G. Hempel
Albany Port District Commission Rensselaer Wharf
Reconstruction Celebration Event
October 20, 2014

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