Community Air Monitoring Program Update


Days of Construction Activity Last Week

Hours of Construction Activity Last Week

Days of Construction Activity Total

Hours of Construction Activity Total

Total Hours of Oversight by Environmental & Safety Member of Owner's Rep Team (*)

Exceedances of Dust and Vehicle Exhaust from Site Activity Last Week

Detections of Coal Ash and/or VOC's from Contaminated Soils Last Week

Exceedances of Dust and Vehicle exhaust from site activities (**) Total

Detections of Coal Ash and / or VOC's from Contaminated Soils Total


* Includes on hours worked by staff dedicated to safety and environmental compliance.

** Exceedances due to truck traffic on haul roads stabilized with NYSDOT Type II subbase. All exceedances corrected within 15 minutes and no dust left project site.

Report is conducted by LaBella.

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